Back to the Hustle and Feeling It
A lot of my tribe and my community are going through changes right now. Myself as well.
There’s relationship changes, home changes, health changes, etc. The time of change is here.
As for me, I’ve been dealing with things like the downside of working for myself as opposed to a regular job.
Like sometimes businesses can be slow to pay. A big business may have a slush fund whereas I am dependent upon my clients being good payers. Sometimes I have to miss out on things like going to the beach today with my family, so I can get a few hours of solitude to work today.
Change is hard for humans. It is one of the most consistent forces, and yet we resist and have a hard time accepting and thriving during times of change. I resist this, complain and whine about this too.
We sometimes do have outside forces acting upon us. However, if we’re brutally honest, we also play a part in how we let that force have control in our lives and businesses.
When a client is slow to pay, do I take the downtime and slack off? Or do I hustle for the next client? (It’s been a little of both, last month.) When I have to skip out on some fun things so I can get stuff done (It’s called work.) do I let myself deflate because of what I’m missing? (Not today, I got to go play at the theme park with the kiddo yesterday.)
Sometimes we just need a shift in perspective to experience the shift in paradigm as a positive rather than a negative. Usually, it’s also a great time to be contemplative and really get to the heart of our responsibility for how we take an instance or an event. Did you really have a bad day, or did you have a bad moment that you milked all day? This is what I mean by “it’s your choice.” (It’s hard to remember that in the moment.)
How do you want to feel? About your life? About your business?
How do you want your clients to feel?
One of the things I’m dedicating myself to, this month, is making sure I’ve attempted to “move the needle” in various areas of my life, daily. I’m not focusing on slaying one area of my life, but on a gentle leaning in to improve several areas that are important and need my focus right now.
Everyday I:
- Do something educational or adventurous with the kid.
- Do something to move the needle on my business ventures.
- Do something to improve myself.
- Do something to improve my household.
- And without even realizing it, I was embodying my CDF “Connection” by connecting in some way with my community or my tribe daily.
Some days are harder than others to tick all of the boxes. And I have realized it’s harder if I’m not inspired – so I’m trying to also make time to get out and experience live music, art, read or listen to a book, etc. While no one could accuse me of being a design junkie – I’m a bit more chaos theory – being inspired by art and beauty is something that does fill my tank and make me more productive.
So, here’s what I am preparing for this fall, and maybe you can help… I want to hold workshops on drilling down to your “Goals with Soul,” your “Core Desired Feelings,” reverse-engineering the goal setting process. I’ve shared some workbook pages with some friends and community members. I know this stuff has really helped me this year, and I know it’ll be awesome for many of you, too!
So I want to share! I also want to make enough money to take care of my licensing for next year. AND I want to contribute to community charities.
If you’ve read this far, (thank you) this is for you. You can help by letting me know that you want to participate. You can help by connecting me with your favorite charities so we can do a fund-raiser. You can help by gathering your tribe of women, bonus if they’re entrepreneurial or want-to-be and inviting me to do an intro workshop or a full workshop or series with you.
There’s a “long game” here… There are two series that I have planned beyond this. You wont be pressured to do them, I only want those that are really called to move forward with me to do so.