
The Desire Map

Buttoning up 2018 to make way for 2019. In Fall Swing! Workshops, Openings.

In Fall Swing!

Autumn is in full swing, and so am I.  In “fall” swing! Jamming on some great stuff for some great businesses. For the first time in a long time all of my current clients are in Wisconsin, rather than all over the world! I’m also bringing solid form to some […]

communication and promotion strategy with social media

September Sale! 50% Off Online!

Entreprenurial Darlings, Calendar Conquerors, Hustlers, Divas,   As we come to the time of year where we harvest, we look back on the work we’ve done and reap what we’ve sown – I realize I haven’t served nearly enough of those of you I’ve been called to help. I’ve taken […]

How do you want to feel about your life & business? How do you want your customers to feel? Goals with Soul

Back to the Hustle and Feeling It

A lot of my tribe and my community are going through changes right now.  Myself as well. There’s relationship changes, home changes, health changes, etc. The time of change is here. As for me, I’ve been dealing with things like the downside of working for myself as opposed to a […]