
Meg MeyerI help entreprenurs and creatives build tribes they love to serve and reduce their tech headaches. 22 Years Marketing & 20 Years coding.(If we count lemonade stands & writing Plays, I've been a creative entrepreneur since elementary school.)

Unplug and go outside Even a digital queen needs to go wild.

The Concept of Selling Out.

When I tell people that have worked traditional jobs that I am giving up self-employment to go to a more traditional job with traditional hours, they look at me like I have dashed their own hopes of getting out of their cubicle farm. “Why would you want to sell out?” […]

The Work At Home Mom’s Conundrum

I have worked for myself (or rather, my clients) for far more years than I have held a more traditional job.  I am a multi-tasker, a self-starter, an entrepreneur who creates and fixes, and edits.  I am also prone to working a lot, naturally. That had to change when I […]

Why I scrapped everything to start over.

The late Thomas Leonard of the life coaching and business coaching industry called it “Creative Destructionism.”   Where one tosses out the old to make room for the new.  It works in both life (decluttering) and business (getting the juices flowing.) The tech industry calls it “planned obsolescence.”  Why would […]