
Who Do You Want to Serve?

Some entrepreneurs and even bigger business owners are foggy, at best, about who they serve. They want “everybody” to be their customer.

Some businesses – run by solopreneurs, especially – get their own ego tied up in their business.  Usually to disasterous effect.  How do you take criticism when it bruises your ego?  How do you improve if you can’t entertain the slightest critique, even well-meaning ones?


Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater!

I get it.  Your business is your baby.  But…


If you want your baby to be compensated for the work you put in – knowing who you serve and how they best want to be served – is actually in your best interest.

If there’s a negative review somewhere on social media – instead of getting on your battle gear… try really listening.  There could be nuggets of improvement there.  What can you learn from it?  What can you do to win that customer back?  What can you do to make your next review a glowing recommendation.


Learn to Think Like Your Best Customer.

What do they need, want, expect?  How do they want to feel when they use your product or service?

What would they like as a follow-up?  Nothing?  Something?


“You never call.  You never write-” Yenta.


Thursday Take-Aways:

“If you’re serving everybody, you’re serving nobody.”

Look at your business with fresh eyes.  The eyes of a prospect.

