your business works with Meyer Consulting & Business Services Time to Accept Awesome!

Here’s How I CAN Help

Whoa. I have had a lot of messages from people who were… let’s call ’em “tire kickers” while I was accepting clients. Apparently saying I had all I could handle – until I open myself up a big more in the fall when my little guy goes to school full time – got a few folks coming out of the woodwork.

Yep, I really don’t want more do-it-for-you clients right now. Even some of the ones who paid me to do templates and set up their accounts to get them started with email marketing, video marketing, social media marketing, branding, etc – in order to save money but be set up on the right track… haven’t really put the work I’ve done to use.

What good is having me do a custom website for you to flesh out or a handful of email campaign templates for you to keep contact with customers and prospects, if you’re not going to use them? The artist part of me is rather annoyed that I can’t point at my work being used in the field and say – “I helped this company get back in touch with customers that haven’t come in lately and increase return business…”

So, that’s part of the reason I’m limiting how many entrepreneurs and small businesses I help. I want to work with those that are super-motivated to level up their business.

Here’s what I’m gonna do… One of my projects that I put on hold to do client work is Level Up Weekly. I really do want to do a set of weekly mini-lessons that help you creatives and entrepreneurs do for yourselves a bit of what I know how to do.

It’ll be brief. Do THIS now. Do another thing next week. And before you know it, you’ll have built new habits surrounding how you put what you do into the world, how you connect with prospects and customers, and how you benefit from using the latest digital marketing techniques for your offline or online business.

I look forward to sharing this with you. Helping creatives and entrepreneurs get paid for doing what they love IS a major passion of mine.